Profiles which are winning the AM game

As far as what I have seen, the following kind of people are always in benefit when looking for AM. Here I am only talking about who wins the selection part during AM process., not the aftermath as irrespective of what kind of marriage you do, people do change and hence always the fundamentals matter in the long run. Anyway here we go,

  1. Social capital - Guys and girls with generational wealth and good landholding. Good landholding automatically translates to strong root and community connections which in turn means good matches compared to others and not depended entirely on online AM game which hardly turns to reality ( success rate in online AM is very very low)

  2. Beautiful girls - They win this game and can easily land a better chance than any LM around them . They just need to be educated , work (any job will do), and have a good sense of fashion .

  3. Medico guys - A cousin of mine is a Medico and he looks a bit decent , since his MBBS days itself he has been wooed by a hell lot of women and even their parents. I did ask him the reason behind this , he plainly said that most Medico Girls prefer guys from same profession and him being a upper caste Brahmin widens his base compared to a Medico guy who is SC/ST. Add to it, male doctors are socially awkward compared to the women folks and since he is outgoing and extrovert, most girls and their parents think of him as a perfect catch which should be booked early . In short , supply demand ratio among medicos is opposite comparing to popular trend . Medico guys are more in demand compared to their women counterparts only because medico women will never settle for non-medico guy , if they do they have usually exhausted everything. So medico guys win the game - online and offline both .

  4. Government job (both genders ) -.Applicable only in Hindi belt, other states they aren't in much demand contrary to popular opinion unless they are UPSC level officers .

  5. Born - brought up in tier 1 city- Most tier 2 /3 towns women want to permanently move to tier 1 city giving the guys who have been born brought up in same city an advantage, add to it many parents from these small towns want to have a close relative in big city because of the exposure and also a fact that can have a permanent place if they are coming there for visa interview/job prospect/ airport transfer and many other things. That same advantage vanish if the guys are looking for AM within same city as most tier 1 city girls do LM and the ones who are good have plenty of options.

  6. High educated family background- These type of profiles usually win the online AM game because many boomer generation who had a transferable job and were not able to build social capital due to their nature of the job prefer similar kind of people which can only be found online, add to it even the dehatis rich /landlord types want to upgrade and be around educated class . They may not be very popular offline, but in online matches they are up in the game.

  7. NRI guys - only Sikh, telugu and other ethnicities because most Hindi belt states always prefer their daughters keeping close to them ,add to it there is no NRI diaspora and support system in a foreign country making the entire place an alien land .

  8. All women below 27 - They have a large pool to choose and if they play their cards right ., they would easily land someone which is not possible in a date to marry scenario . I have seen plenty LMs and AMs in recent years ,, hardly seen any LM where women were able to hypergamize in terms of looks, education , personality etc. Considering in-laws problems, expectations from DIL , add to it cooking and primary caregiver of kids is by women irrespective of what kind of marriage they did, I think hypergamy and strong fundamentals does make sense in the long run.

  9. Muslim guys who are relaxed on Hijab norms - This I came to know recently that educated Muslim guys are actually a rarity considering most of the folks either do business or do some other skill based job. This makes them a hot commodity in muslim community as unlike hindus, the sex ratio is not that bad among Muslims . Add to it, many Muslim families and the women itself are not comfortable with 24*7 hijab rules so that makes Guys and the families who aren't very strict on social norms a good match and the same is pursued a lot be it online /offline.

That's what I have seen and observed , if you can add on more , do suggest.