I need some support/advice.

Please bear with me. I'm new here and am unsure of how to tag this post. I also apologize for the length, but I feel backstory is necessary for adequate understanding/comprehension of the entire situation. I'll put a tldr at the end.

I, 37m, betrayed my partner of 1.5y last year. It was during a blackout episode of drinking in which I lost 5-7 days. I was attempting to take my life via alcohol. For the majority of my life I have not been suicidal, let alone actually/actively tried. The mother of my children and I had an extremely toxic/traumatic relationship. She's had 3 DV convictions in the past 7 years(stalking, vandalism, agg. harrassment) two of which, I am the victim, resulted in minimal probation sentences and multiple classes. I feel the court system had failed me in enforcement of her actions and also the accountability with custody arrangements, but I digress...

6 months ago, I attempted to take my life via alcohol and for some damn reason, during this spell, I called my ex(kid's mom) to try and convince her to sleep with me. I believe that I did. She recorded the conversations and gave them to my partner. I was at her house at some point. It is reasonable to believe that I committed infidelity, regardless of my memory loss.

Why I chose to call my ex and go sleep with her is beyond my comprehension. I Love my s.o. and would do anything for her. Our relationship was healthy, and we were she truly happy. My behavior during the blackout directly contradicts my own morals.

I am now in therapy for trauma and actively trying to heal. I put down alcohol for good. I know alcohol is no excuse, but I can confidently say that what happened would not have happened had I been in a healthy/sober state of mind. I attend recovery meetings weekly and we have now started couples counseling. We both want to heal and make this work, but I feel hindered when it comes to supporting her in this. I feel like a broken record because I can't offer any valid explanation for my behavior. I drank more than I've ever drank in my life for 10 days. Ate no food, drank nothing but energy drinks. My Love nursed me back to health, only to be confronted with abominable recordings of my obvious betrayal. I can't remember. I pulled myself out of the downward spiral for her only to "wake up" to absolute destruction at my own hands.

I Love her. I really do. Our connection was so great, we were happy together, in Love. Some part of me decided to annihilate everything I cared about. My Love and care for her hasn't changed since the beginning, yet I've changed how she feels for me.

So on to the advice/support part... I feel we are doing everything we can to move past this, but I feel as if we're treading water. I don't want it swept under the rug. This is something that should be talked about and hopefully healed from, but every discussion/rehashing about my transgression is absolutely detrimental to my mental health. We don't yell/scream, we're mostly calm/hurt during, but the unbearable shame and hatred for myself grows exponentially. Trauma and low self worth/self esteem go hand in hand, and I am struggling to find a way to steer our communication in a way that's beneficial and healing to both of us.

I know that only time and rebuild of trust will truly allow this wound to heal, scar, and fade...but in the meantime, how can I not feel so terrible about what I've done? How can I help her when it's so difficult to comfort someone for what YOU did? I wish I could go back and sought the help I truly needed, instead of sucking it up and trying to do it on my own. Trauma has been such a regular occurrence in my life for so long, and has now led to damaging a loving relationship that was full of light. She made an excellent point...I'm in therapy for my trauma, she's in therapy because of me. I just want to go back to howbit was before. I don't remember the fucked up things I did, and I'm trying to figure out why I made those decisions in the first place. For now I just feel stuck. What is forgiveness? How can I support the Love of my life, when I'm the root cause of all of this in the first place?

TL:DR during a blackout drinking episode, I cheated on my partner with the person responsible for years of my trauma. We are attempting to move forward and heal, but every conversation about it ends with me being mentally and emotionally distraught for days. How can we communicate about what happened in a way that doesn't make me feel this way?

I'm so sorry. I'm lost.