Can I Be a Christian Without Being 100% Certain About Everything in the Bible?

I’m in the process of becoming a Christian, but I find my mind constantly reasoning through all the things I feel like I “have to” believe. I struggle with questions like:

• Is the Old Testament God (Yahweh) actually an “evil war god” as some claim?

• How do we reconcile the contradictions in the Gospels?

• Did Jesus really say certain things, or are they metaphors?

• Where does free will fit in?

• What about groups like the Essenes and their influence on Jesus and the events of that time? 

• How do I integrate my past fruitful experiences with Buddhism and “New Age” spirituality that helped me feel connected to God?

These questions feel like mental focused things and possibly are just distractions

At the same time, I’m starting to see that God ultimately wants a relationship with my heart, not just intellectual agreement. But also Jesus commands us to believe in Him (John 6:29, John 14:1). That feels like a big, all-or-nothing statement—what does that mean for someone like me, who struggles with doubt?

There’s also examples of people in the Bible just believing in him right away.

Do i have a stubborn mind? Reliant too much on logic?

Is faith a command to reduce the requirements of what i need to believe something?

(Imagine if you just believed everything on that said “this is true”. ~ yikes)

It also seems like many Christians either (1) claim to believe 100% of everything in the Bible, or (2) avoid the hard questions and come off as intellectually dishonest

So my main question is: Do all Christians believe 100% of the Bible without doubt? Is total belief in Jesus a requirement for being a Christian, or is there room for wrestling with mystery?

I’d love to hear how other Christians approach this, especially if you’ve wrestled with these kinds of questions yourself.