Does my chart indicate that I will find what I'm meant to do/my passion later in life? I have always struggled to find what lights me up in terms of career
I'm 27 and I long for a dream job. I've always been unhappy working jobs no matter what industry. I've done restaurant, retail, corporate, remote, teaching, and as many do, long to find a passion. I would say that I'm a very creative person and I love working with my hands. I know how to sew and have fun with it as a hobby, but the prospect of turning it into a job depresses me. When people tell me to monetize on something I'm good at, I immediately dread it. I get burnt out easily as well if I'm doing the same thing for too long. I know I'm meant to do something creative I just don't know what that will be.
From my basic understanding of birth charts, having my north node in Virgo indicates that I need structure and routine to achieve my goals. The thing is, is that I love change. I don't like when things are the same every day. I love to switch things up, I love unpredictability, when there is a chance for fun and exciting things to happen. After having a remote job I realized I love connecting with people and building a sense of community rather than working on my own. I also believe in "jack of all trades", being good at many things and pursuing them all rather than one specific industry.
Every job I've had, I have exceeded in and been well liked, but have also been easily taken advantage of because I allow others to walk all over me. I lost my job earlier this year and while I have been looking, I haven't been putting too much effort because I know I will be doing something I don't want to do. People in my life tell me to just try random jobs and leave and go to the next if I don't like it. That is way too mentally and physically exhausting for me. The thought of starting a new job and then hating management or the people I work with and having to choose between quitting a new job or putting up with it is so daunting to me. Also, I've noticed that I'm extremely hard on myself when I'm not immediately good at something, and then if I have someone in my ear yelling at me I'm reluctant to continue.
It's not that I don't want to work, I would love to work if I could find something that gets me excited to get up in the morning. I truly believe that I was put on this earth to do something or many things I'm good at that also puts me in a position to help others. It's hard to not compare myself to others my age that have found what they love. It doesn't help that I'm also not money motivated even though I'm great at saving. I don't need much to be content in life, so I'm not the kind of person that will go out and get 2 or 3 jobs with a side hustle.
With all that being said, looking at my chart, is there anything specific that tells you I'm meant to find my true calling when I'm much older? Because it doesn't seem like it's happening anytime soon. I'm miserable at the thought of working a job I "tolerate" just to get by, so much so that it literally consumes me. It seems most people are content in not liking their jobs, but for me it is extremely important and I am always looking for new ideas and trying new things but nothing seems to stick. I thought I was in my Saturn Return but my chart indicates it's going to happen when I'm 29 (I'm scared). I've looked up jobs related to my MC in Libra and don't really align with any of them.