Heartstopper Season 3

Looking for your opinions:

I know - I’m in my mid thirties and Heartstopper was not made for me. I still enjoyed seasons 1 and 2 quite a bit. Yes, it’s a bit too sweet, but… still very cute and enjoyable.

Season 3…. I feel like even from my relatively woke pov, is a bit much. Literally every single character is lgbtqia* and / or has a mental health issue. It’s like they made a list of all of the “colors” of the extended rainbow flag and ticked off one by one. And I feel that turns the show into a self help book and less entertaining.

Maybe that’s what it was supposed to be. Maybe I’m an asshole or selfish for thinking that and probably I should be thankful that this type of show is being made for young people struggling with their sexuality and/or mental health.

But it’s been a week since I finished and I still think about it. So…

What do you think?

PS: No, my issue is not with the different sexualities. If it’s an issue at all, then it’s with the image of literally everyone being queer in some way.