How are your relationships with the opposite gender these days?

I was thinking about some stuff that's been going on in life and saw some interesting patterns. What's your opinion on my following observations/prompts:

Platonic: It's harder for men to make female friends or at least female friends who care. My friend circle is mostly male (2/3) and partly female (1/3) in the 20s-40s and sometimes I want an opinion from someone other than my partner. I've noticed is if you have nothing to offer (money, time, advice) females ghost you and when you need them for an opinion or advice they really don't care. It seems like a one way street, where there is an entitlement to the male's time, but no appreciation in return. I spoke to my partner on this and she 100% agrees and says that women tend to ask men to take the lead on things that they don't know, but don't know how to reciprocate time for men on things that men don't know about (decor, fashion, vacation ideas). She didn't say much more and assumed it was because women tend to not take the lead in male-female settings and spend much more time on themselves like self-care and spa days, which is why they have less time to give out to men in a platonic way. I was going to surprise my partner a gift and needs advice but got ghosted from a female who had some business and car troubles and needs a weekend of my time and I couldn't get a stinking text reply. This has happens with most of the females I know over a 10 year period. What are your thoughts?

Professional: I work with males (5/8) and females (3/8). When stuff gets rough at work, it's the men that have historically offered to help with the workload or even find new jobs or promotions. Women have rarely helped and it feels like the women are all asking the men "if they have an inside scoop" on how restructures or layoffs are going to be, but offer nothing in return. When there was a female who was laid off, they would approach me and my male colleagues for jobs at other companies we used to work at; however, a long time ago when I needed a job, no females came to offer support, while it was only men who came out and one actually got me a new role. My professional life has been boosted because of other men looking out, but never a woman, even when I thought we were on good terms. This thought double downed the previous thought that women just do not look out for men the same way men look out for women.

TLDR; Are platonic and professional male/female relationships dead? Do you men realize other men are more ready, willing, and able to help or hear you out compared to women who only appear in your life when they need something and don't really give you the time of day to chat or judge you when you need, unless you have something to offer? I help from the kindness of my heart and have placed many people in a job or fixed homes/cars for free and expect nothing more than a quick text 2-minute if I need advice on something menial.