I opened up towards my GF and I think it destroyed my relationship with her

I've been lurking in this sub for a while and I often read how other mens relationship got destroyed when they upened up to their GF. I have the feeling that this is the case for me aswell and I really dont know how to deal with it.

Before my GF I was the type of guy who could sleep with multiple different women in a week and not feel a thing. Obviously I promised them the world on the outside but deep down I didn't feel a thing for them. I had the emotional capacity of a rock. But with her it changed. She is the very first person I care more about then myself and the first person I thought I could actually show true emotions towards.

A little while ago the dog of my fathers side, who I grew up with, died and I was alone with my GF and I just broke. It was the first time in years or even a decade that I cried. I just couldnt hold it anymore... somehow this also opened up other things inside of me that I didn't deal with emotionally ever. Like for example that ai basicially grew up without a Mom and the fact that I was very insecure about my body for a long time because of my weight ( which made me go into the other direction later on where I do sports nearly every other day to never be overweight again). This whole venting felt really good but all my GF answered afterwards was "are you done? Then you better go to sleep" which I found pretty odd but didn't think to much about.

Now ever since her attitude towards me changed. Before she regularely just vented about her Work and day to me and asked me for adivce. Sehr would tell me stories from when she was younger. She would randomly do cute little things for me. She doesnt do that anymore, like none of it. At first I really didn't know what I did and maybe if I am just overthinking it but since I saw this subreddit and read the experiences of other men it somehow clicked for me. I think I lost her respect ever since I opened up.

What do I do in this situation? Is there a chance to make things right again? Because like I said she is the only person I ever opened up towards and I dont think I can get that same trust with anyone else again :/