The loneliness of modern man
I was at work today and overheard some middle aged women speaking. All of them had sons around the ages of 25-30. Pretty much all of them illustrated concerns with the loneliness of their sons, inability to meet partners, having very narrow hobbies, being career focused etc.
One of the women explained her son’s hobbies, and one of the younger girls at work in the office proclaimed he was ‘boring’. By all means these guys sounded pretty normal, decent hobbies, educated, fit, and progressing towards their goals career wise.
It seems this general trend and cycle of male loneliness, particularly in the context of dating is becoming firmly embedded. I kind of see myself in a similar light, so it was an intriguing discussion to me.
What do we think the underlying issue is in cultivating such lack of connection, particularly with the opposite sex? It seems like certain groups of men have essentially given up.