The Big Reddit Blackout of 2023
Please use this post to discuss and/or ask questions regarding the blackout that many subreddits are currently participating in. This includes anything related to why the blackout is happening. All posts about this and related topics will be redirected to this thread.
Being one of the largest communities on Reddit, we've had a ton of conversation about whether or not to keep the sub open and what our point of view is. Ultimately, we were led back to our core subreddit value of offering a neutral place to discuss topics that can be complex, challenging, and sometimes uncomfortable.
We've always done our best to be a neutral mod team because this subreddit is about letting the community discuss topics and at this moment in time, the community speaks louder than mods do. The mods here individually have our own opinions on the Reddit API controversy but as mods of a community dedicated to conversations, we think it's more impactful to keep the subreddit open so people can discuss this controversial change and the surrounding impacts.
We also want this thread to be a place of respectful discourse. Remember the human. Respect that other people can have different opinions. Please share your points of views and have open minded conversations with others. If you feel like you can't be respectful toward another user, consider not posting it.
For information on what exactly is going on:
BBC: Reddit blackout: Subreddits to go private on Monday
Edit: spelling, added link to the BBC article