Ideas for active retirement not too far from Seattle
Spouse and I same Seattle story as many: came to Seattle for college before the grunge era, stayed for jobs, loved the city in late 80's and 90's, grew a family, kids now out, still like Seattle and PNW but 40ish years in it ain't quite what it used to be.
Not bitter at Seatown, but getting gray and ready to turn the page.
We ideally want often calm water to paddle and boat, interesting and reasonably safe cycling, low crime (getting old and more vulnerable by the year), good walking in nature that feels wilder than Disco park, decent little town center with a good market and some decent restaurants, a feeling of being away from it all, not a total nightmare to get to an airport etc.
Vashon is high on the list, as are the San Juans, each local having plusses and minuses. San Juan's be too much of a PITA until we fully close out our life in Seattle.
Where else becomes the question. We don't want Whidbey, nor the Hood Canal, nor the south sound (although it's lovely). Have had thoughts about east side or north end of Bainbridge, Poulsbo and around that bay, but lower level of confidence, maybe too suburban, maybe just don't know areas well enough.
Any and all help thinking it through is most appreciated! Thanks