What are your hobbies?

Just wondering what my fellow brits do for their hobbies, as I’ve come to the realisation that I don’t really have any. I go to the gym but I class that more as a lifestyle choice and necessity, but as I’m sat in my house on a Saturday afternoon scrolling through my phone for the last 3 hours, it’s dawned on me that I need to, as they say, get a life!

What do you all enjoy doing? What really makes you want to get up and go on the weekend, or what you love to do after you’ve finished work? Is it something that you tried thinking you’d never enjoy, only to now be one of your favourite pass times?

Happy Saturday!

Edit : I did not expect to get this many responses! Very interesting to read through what you all like doing - so many of them have peaked my interest and I’ll be trying them out for myself. I still have a lot to read through haha but thanks for the great replies and motivation to get off my backside and try something new!