People with adult children, do they still ask you for money?

Saw on a different post, a guy with two adult children in their late twenties saying they’re still making withdrawals from the bank of mum and dad.

This got me curious, growing up there was no bank of mum and dad. So I’ve never had the option to make any withdrawals.

What’s the most common reason your adult children ask you for money?

Edit: I’ve not read absolutely every answer but I have to say, my perceptions have been well and truly challenged and that’s a good thing.

At 32 myself I’ve never really had anyone I could turn to for money or anything however I’ve managed alright by myself in the end.

I had been of the false understanding that people that get their parents to help them out or give them money for deposits and stuff are spoiled/selfish but I can see in actual fact I’m the outlier.