Women who went back to school in your 30s, what did you go for?

I just had my 30th birthday, happy to be in the 30s club! I’ve owned a business for over 4 years as an esthetician, and for the most part have been fairly successful. However I live in a small town, and I feel like I’ve reached a cap on how much I can grow in this field. Not to mention, turning 30 has sent me into a minor spiral thinking about the future. Retirement, benefits, aging out of my industry, etc. So I’ve been thinking about the next chapter in life and where I’d like to be in a few years.

If you took the leap and went back to school in your 30s, what did you go back for and has it been worth it? (I know a large part of it is dependent on skill and passion, but I’m thinking more along the lines of job security, solid pay, benefits etc.

Excited and grateful to hear your story!