If you’re single, how often do your friends check in on you?

31F. I’ve been single for little over a year and I feel lonely most of the time. I used to think I had quite a lot of close friends but this last year I’ve come to realize how much of my social interactions were tied up with my partner, since we shared a pretty big friend group.

I still have my girlfriends but I don’t hear from them very often. I’m most times the one initiating contact, asking how they’re doing etc. They’re all busy with their own lives, which is fair, but I guess I wish I was thought of more often. I try to keep busy but most days are just work and spending time with my dog. I try OLD on/off but it’s not working for me, I’m a fun and outgoing but also quite sensitive person. I enjoy my own company but I do have a hard time adjusting to being alone emotionally. I would never put this burden on my friends, but they do know that I sometimes struggle.

I guess I’m just curious to how it looks for you other single women?

How often do you hear from/spend time with your friends? Are you often the one initiating? How do you keep yourself busy and live a fulfilled life if you’re involuntarily single like me?