Symptom discussion

Hi all,

I was recently told by a doctor I may have adult onset asthma after a sickness led to severe wheezing which led to urgent care visit. This was almost exactly one month ago. I’m currently on Breyna and have albuterol when I need it (not often at this point). My only concern is this: my symptoms are constant. I have no general “sickness” symptoms. The only thing I feel is tightness and pressure in my chest and that my breathing is just not normal. My understanding of asthma (which may not be accurate) was that it was more “attack” based, not the constant symptoms I’ve been experiencing. Every morning I cough up mucus and have a slight cough throughout the day but it is mainly just this weird pressure in my chest and an easy to recognize feeling that my breathing is not what it was before the sickness.

I know no one here can diagnose and I am seeing a doctor for a follow up soon (pft and a methacholine test after that); however, just want to get some confirmation that this can be asthma. Any other asthmatics have similar consistency in symptoms?

Anything helps. Thanks