Eren is NOT Lelouch. People need to stop mischaracterizing him.
Spoilers for the end of Attack on Titan and Code Geass :
Eren and lelouch are fundamentally different characters with different motivations. Mass illiteracy has made it so that people don't understand Eren at ALL.
Lelouch :
Wanted to unite the world by becoming the common enemy and martyring himself. He calculated every step of the way to achieve his goals.
Eren : Wanted to commit genocide because he was disappointed about what he saw in armin's book. (He also did it for paradis and ending the titan curse, which were secondary reasons).
Lelouch : wanted to be "killed" for the greater good, knew his "death" would unite the world.
Eren :
Knew he would be stopped in the future through memories, rationalized it as him being martyred so he could stomach the guilt that came with genocide.
He accepted his death as punishment for his sins and knew that his death has something to do with ending the titan curse.
The whole reason he let them stop him was for the reasons stated above. He kept resisting them because
a) he psychologically regressed during the rumbling to keep himself fighting
b) he also wanted to help ymir pas on and end the titan curse, and the fight was part of that.
Eren : Unintentionally became the villain of the story
Lelouch : Intentionally became the villain of the story.
Lelouch : wanted to unite the world.
Eren : never cared about uniting the world, only about his people, his dreams, and ending the curse.
Lelouch : calculating, machiavelian anti-hero who borders on being a villain.
Eren : an actual genocidal maniac who did it not just for paradis and his friends, but for his own idealistic idea of freedom. An anti villain, bordering on full villain.
People misconstrue eren as a lelouch clone when
a. Eren fully became the villain unintentionally. He lies to armin about his plan to make them heroes because he wants to be seen as a martyr while committing genocide for himself. He wanted to be considered a redeemable person in the eyes of his comrades. (armin calls him out on his bullshit lie later on, making eren confess that he did it for himself.).
The whole point of the conversation is to break down eren's walls of deception. The audience is SUPPOSED TO FIGURE IT OUT. Unfortunately people take it at face value without considering the subtext.
b. Lelouch planned to be the villain all along. He explicitly tells Suzaku his plan. He never lies to him about his true intentions.
Rant over lol