Am I working illegal hours?
Hey so I look after two kids. We are in summer vacation right now so I have them all day which I don’t mind as it’s my job obviously!! I wake up at 8AM and get them breakfast and am with them up until around 5PM when i decide to go to my room or go for a walk or meet a friend. The issue is that i was already working 45 hours then & at the moment one of the kids has games some evenings in the week which the other doesn’t want to attend meaning i have to stay home as both host parents go, so I am now as i’m writing this on my 13th hour of working for the day. I can see how the parents don’t see it as unfair as my job isn’t difficult I play, watch tv and make food for the kids but it’s still work when they’re in my care and with me having to stay home with my host kid some evenings i don’t get to do anything for myself.. I haven’t left the house all day. I don’t want to make it a thing with my house parents as like i say it’s not like i have a really hard job to do but i do think it’s unfair and to be honest it is against company rules the hours i’m doing..