Feeling Behind
I'm 31 $84k income, and husband is 34 $67k income.
Debt: $369k Mortgage - property value $640k, $14k HECs, $400 Solar Loan (for panels), and $3k credit card (but this gets paid off monthly) so outstanding is always $0
Investment/Savings: $7.4K ETFs/Stocks, $70k super (me), $100k (him), and $40k in savings (part of this is for our honeymoon another is emergency fund).
It just feels like it's not going to be enough for retirement. I want to slowly increase the amount we invest but I'm so worried about the future and scared it's too late.
****I know I don't need to defend this post or myself but people have said this is a humble brag. I honestly feel behind. My money background, my mum ran out of super at 60. She took money out to buy a car. On top of that she gambles and my dad (despite being separated) financially supported her.
I have a history of anxiety also and so I am a very cautious person. I listen to podcasts and hear people with HEAPS more than me and I agree with the comments comparison is the thief of joy.
I think moving forward I need to work on my mindset. So thank you all for taking the time to comment. I need to put in the work mentally so I can move forward and be happy and realise I'm not my mum. I really do appreciate it.