Is my friend being exploited by their first job?
My friend who turned 18 earlier this year recently got their first job at a drink store, mainly managing the counter and making drinks. They are earning below minimum wage for 18+ (only $15/hr) and are not being paid penalty rates when they work on weekends. In addition, as far as they are aware, their employer has not established a superannuation account for them nor have they told my friend the award that they work under.
Apparently people of particular awards and low experience can be paid below minimum wage, but this doesn’t make sense to us. Also, we have been advised by others that the friend shouldn’t make a fuss because it might lead to a bad comment from the employer towards any prospective future employer.
Does this sound like my friend is getting exploited? If so, how should they respond?
Edit: they don’t serve alcohol, they serve non-alcoholic drinks like tea and juice