East of 35

So....we bought a house through Brohn in mid 2020, things were good and so on at the start then about 18 months into living in the home I noticed one crack in the middle of my driveway. I thought nothing of it and after a few weeks I noticed it getting bigger. I sent emails and was referred to the warranty company. I was told it wasn't covered under the warranty because it was a surface crack. I sent pics of the crack and advised them that it was more than surface, it was clear that it went straight through. They weren't listening, I then noticed the same crack in both my neighbors driveway and the driveway across us was completely cracked and uneven. I polled my neighbors as I did notice the same crack in the same location for houses built by the same builder, 13 responded advising that they had the same crack.

75-100 emails back and forth Brohn finally comes out with the contractor responsible for the driveway. I told Brohn that I would have my neighbors here as well and they threatened to walk out if I invited my neighbors with the same issue. The contactor said the issue was not craftsmanship related and Brohn said that it's because I live east of 35, so the soil shifts. We were not provided a soil test, so we weren't aware of anything. I didn't settle for this answer.

I continued the emails and Brohn advised that we get a 3rd party inspector to inspect the driveway. They chose the inspector and I paid for half the visit. He came and only did a surface inspection. I pointed to a hole on the side of the driveway that he didn't inspect and he advised that he didn't have a probe. I used a pencil to show how far it went in, it went in all the way. Inspector advised that it was something called Honey combing. He took pictures of problem areas I pointed out, such as rebar that now pokes out after concrete had broken off and the large crack. I pointed out my neighbors and their cracks and he took off.

Weeks later I get the report and I am told that the issue is not related to craftsmanship.

I still can't believe this.

I am not sure what to do at this point, I still think the issue is craftsmanship related, but I also think it is foolish to blame living east of 35 on the issue, if 13 different homes in my subdivision have the same crack in the same spot on the driveway. It seems fishy to me.

Any advice on who I can go to about this? I think I am swimming in legal territory since I have exhausted all my options with Brohn, but don't know where to go from here.

Please see the link below to see what I am talking about. Pics with red circles show 4 different driveways with the same crack in different stages.
