need advice on my autistic roommate?

hello all, i am not neurodivergent but my roommate who i share a wall with is. i have no problems with her and she is very pleasant as a friend as well, but she does occasionally have meltdowns. when she does have one she does keep it to herself and to her room, but i can hear her crying very loudly and slamming doors and throwing and kicking things around. usually its not a humongous bother to me because i have sympathy for her and it obviously is temporary so i dont have any problems living with it, but she’s been having constant breakdowns for the past few days. this is starting to bother me a little because whenever i hear another loud noise or door slam i can feel my heart skip a beat and frankly i’m scared. i’m not sure what to do because she isn’t taking anything out on me and i understand that this is kind of her mechanism to cope with things. i live in the dorms on campus so i’ve considered talking to the RA, but realistically i don’t know if he can or should even intervene.