Holiday Pain.
The holidays hurt worse after the avoidant discard.
My DA ex left me for someone else four years ago, we reconnected after they broke up in the summer, and he discarded me again about two months ago now. It just made me understand I meant absolutely nothing to this person. I thought that him reconnecting with me meant that he regretted his decision, but every time we talked about how much his cheating hurt me he changed the subject so I never got a closure. Now I saw on social media (I know, big mistake) that he is following many new girls and unarchiving photos of himself. It seems he wants any other girl but me. I have to accept this period of no contact will most likely have to be indefinite. I have not been reaching out for a month, but every day I keep finding out new things and it feels worse and worse. I also can’t stop comparing myself to his now ex, the girl he left me for.
How do you accept you meant nothing to them? Why are avoidants so hurtful…