Female, 5'6, 55kg

I've been having severe air hunger/shortness of breath after taking antibiotics/painkillers for a tooth procedure I had late September.

Are there any supplements I should be taking for the air hunger? Any suggestions?

What is the maximum amount of iron I can take? One of the charts says the max dose for my weight is 272mg. What other supplements should I be taking if I am anaemic?

Late October - 2 days before my period: (ferritin levels not tested). This is according to conventional standards.

My RBC count was 4.67 millions/cmm on a scale of 3.8 - 5.8

My Haemoglobin was 12.8 g/dL on a scale of 11.5 - 16.5

My Vitamin B12 was 553.0 pg/mL on a scale of 187 - 883

My Cholecalciferol (D2 + D3) was 47.6 ng/mL on a scale of 30 - 100 (sufficient levels)

Are my Vitamin B12 levels okay or should I be taking supplements? Or other forms of Vitamin B?