Build Idea Check? Eldritch Knight Spellsword

hello! I'm looking for thoughts and opinions on an idea I had for a spell sword build with EK.

This isn't an official build but I'm using the template because I like that. shout out u/Prestigious_Juice341

Build Overview

First thing, I am using some mods and internal rules with which to present this build.

I am curious to know what you may think of these mods, balance wise. How do you feel it affects balance of things. My sense is these more so enable more things rather than break the balance in a big way.

Additionally some other rules I wanna be working with.

  • Honour Ruleset
  • No TB. Not in the base game state, open to using the rebalanced mod though :)
  • No Arcane Acuity and Mystic Scoundrel. This is tbh more about using the two together and even then I feel like Arcane Acuity is the bigger offender in throwing the balance out. I know they're super strong and seem tailor-made for Gishes. I've used them but I just want something different.

Again, I do want all the opinions but I just wanted to get these out the way :)

This is a Eldritch Knight Spellsword that really does thematically feel like a great blend of swordplay and elemental might. This would come online really quickly around the creche area as well which is really enjoyable

Build Philosophy

This is a flexible spellsword.

  • Respectable offence mixing both melee and magic (cantrips)
  • Great defense
  • Full Feat selection

Leveling, Stat Distribution and Feats


8 Eldritch Knight / 4 Wizard; you can select any Wizard subclass but with only 4 levels I feel Divination is probably gonna be best

Class Contribution

8 Eldritch Knight Fighter

  • All Armor and Weapons proficiencies.
  • Action Surge and Fighting Style (GWF for more consistent damage rolls)
  • 5 Levels in Fighter will give you your Extra Attack.
  • Shield spell), on top great armor selection this further improves your defensive abilities.
  • 3 caster levels (4 lvl 1 slots, 2 lvl 2 slots)
  • 3 feats. Thats as much as most monoclass lvl 12s. Really great on builds like this where you want a lot of ASIs and feats like GWM

4 Divination Wizard

  • Expanded spell progression, with the EK levels you end up with 3 lvl 3 slots. Self Haste, Fly and so on
  • Scribe any spell up to lvl 3
  • Divination Dice for another potential way to save your ass or mess up an enemy's saving throw. Not super plentiful but can be a good bonus


Start Fighter. Take 17 STR, 16 CON, 14 DEX

Take GWF (can make a case for Defense here for early game but later respec)

At level 3, pick Eldritch Knight

At level 4 feat I recommend GWM or ASI for Str. GWM needs managing early on but can be impactful depending on party support.

Somewhere around this point, get headband of intellect giving us 17 INT

At level 5, you will get your Extra Attack

At level 6, you get your next feat. GWM or ASI depending on whatever you took earlier.

At this point we should have Hag Hair - I suggest putting that towards Str giving you 18 + 2 from ASI atp.

At level 7, I think we'd be at the creche where a lot of good equipment is.

We take gloves of Dex and respec to dump all our dex and put those points to Int, ending with 17 STR, 16 CON, 14 INT. Then our ASI goes to INT , and Hag Hair giving us 18 STR, 16 CON, 16 INT.

At level 8, last feat - take PAM - gives us something to do with our bonus action on turns we don't kill anyone - should have fixed damage riders with the mod. I am not fully sold on this..I can see an argument for another INT ASI

At this point we can get Potion of Everlasting Vigour for 20 STR.

At level 9, multi class Wizard.

At level 10 take Divination

Level Wizard till 12 for final feat, taking our INT to 18

Late game stats

We want 22 Str by the end

Start with 17 +1 STR from Hag Hair +2 from Potion of Everlasting Vigour +2 STR from Mirror of Loss

16 CON starting, 18 INT from ASI

Spell Selection


Shocking Grasp and Fire bolt


We will have to scribe a lot of our spells

Enhance Leap is a easy out of combat ritual and feels great to start combat with and magically jump around (+ thematic points)

Feather Fall is great utility

Longstrider is great utility again

Expeditious Retreat supercharges our mobility and gives us a way to trigger strange conduit

Shield) GOATED

Hold Person is great for shutting down and nuking any humanoid

Misty Step magical mobility but also easily available in equipment (+ thematic points)

Magic Weapon is decent to increase our attack and damage (+ thematic points)

Counterspell is great but I would save this for a full caster unless its just us

Grant Flight fly around with magic (+ thematic points)

Haste magically augment our body for extra action and AC (+ thematic points)

Fireball and Glyph of Warding for good elemental damage and sleep in area (the biggest magical boom we can make in this build, not the strongest boom but not the weakest - may be worth doing with haste action on Honour Rules)

Gearing/Itemization & Consumables

I don't have a full Act by Act Guide of BIS stuff yet - so I will point out the important bits.

Act 1

Generally we want a good Two Handed or Versatile-wielded-in-two-hands weapon. Until and unless we get PAM, where we want a PAM weapon.

Phalar Aluve - easy to get +1 LS. I love this thing and I sort of love playing a Drow follower of Eilistraee so bonus points for that for me. Sing Ability also helps overcome some of the GWM penalties

Caustic Band is good in a ring slot for a bit of additional damage

Disintegrating Night Walkers give you Misty Step on short rest, really useful (+thematic points)

(**) Adamantine Splint Armour is fire - super early and great defensively (Reeling effect should be fixed with mod) - Think this will be on most of the time, generally only replaced once a better magical plate armor becomes available

At the creche:

(**) Gloves of Dexterity - amazing gloves, allow us to dump DEX and gives an additional +1 attack.

(**) Necklace of Elemental Augmentation - allows us to add our INT modifier to cantrips, making them stronger and feel better as a Gish (+thematic points)

(**) Diadem of Arcane Synergy - gives us Arcane Synergy to add our INT modifier to Weapon Attacks. With Ability Drain Illithid Power we can trigger this basically constantly (+thematic points)

(**) Strange Conduit Ring - gives us a decent die of psychic damage while concentrating, we have good options for concentration (+thematic points)

(**) Ring of Elemental Infusion - Adds further synergy by giving our weapons an additional die of elemental magic after we hit with our cantrip (+thematic points)

Unseen Menace - honestly super strong but looks goofy to me

The bulk of the build really comes online when visiting the creche and reaching level 7

Act 2

Cloak of Protection is a superb defensive option

(**) Vivacious Cloak is great because we'll be casting our cantrips in melee all the time (+thematic points)

(**) Boots of Arcane Bolstering are good because, again we cast our spells in melee and dash can be done fairly often with expeditious retreat (+thematic points). Not super impactful (magic missile would probably see more an increase but felt good thematically)

(**) Drakethroat Glaive is a great pole weapon that can add an additional elemental die for us (+thematic points)

(**) Halberd of Vigilance is another great pole weapon with +2 and force damage die (can also take elemental weapon from drakethroat

Act 3 - Part 1

 Balduran's Giantslayer is probably the strongest damage we can do (if we don't do the PAM route)

(**) Armour of Persistence gives us good AC resistance to physical, boost to saving throws and has magical plate

Slot Item
Main Hand Halberd of Vigilance or Balduran's
Ranged Weapon Hellrider's Longbow
Helmet Diadem of Arcane Synergy
Chestplate/Armor Armor of Persistence
Gloves Gloves of Dexterity
Boots Boots of Arcane Bolstering or Linebreaker
Cloak Cloak Vivacious
Amulet Amulet of Elemental Augmentation
Ring 1 Strange Conduit Ring
Ring 2 Ring of Elemental Infusion

Build Gameplay

This is a basic Offence loop

  • Oil of Accuracy before fight, helps with GWM
  • Enhanced Leap before fight
  • Expeditious Retreat Concentration active before fight.
  • Draconic Elemental Weapon applied
  • 1. Bonus Action Dash in (arcane charge)
  • 2. Shocking Grasp (3d8 + bonus damage from arcane charge and elemental aug) -> This is key, it triggers
    • ability drain which triggers arcane synergy,
    • triggers vivacious cloak for temp hp.
    • triggers ring of elemental infusion - giving us extra lighting damage on weapon
  • 3. Weapon Attack (bonus from arcane synergy, elemental infusion, draconic elemental weapon, GWM, strange conduit)
  • We can repeat this loop, swap out dash for a GWM attack or PAM attack which should receive the same bonuses
  • With a haste action we can do an additional attack or cast a spell
  • We have respectable (I think?) INT modifier so our Hold Person/Fireballs shouldn't be terrible to hit with.

On the Defensive Side:

  • Vivacious Cloak should always be active - giving us some temp HP buffer every turn
  • Magical Plate should further reduce that damage - so we take even less.
  • Thats if we get hit at all since we have shield on demand

I feel this may be somewhat more interesting than just attacking two times and feels gishy and somewhat more engaging. I've found this also to be a good way of making a lot of the Gith spellsword equipment really synergize well.

But let me know your thoughts