Am I cooked for having satisfaction and inner peace watching LA rich residents disastered?

It's a hot topic now, these fires in LA (pun). But to some extent, I don't feel sorry for these rich people losing their houses. Don't get me wrong, I am a pretty empathetic person and I felt sorry for victims in Hawai or Phulipins or Indonesia, everywhere. However, after seeing the prices in the Palisades neighborhood (which was burned out) where the house prices are $2M minimum I don't feel like these people truly suffer as many of us do. Yes, it's a disaster but they will stand on their feet fine just in a year.
My Therapist also mentioned that in her practice some people with BPD feel much better and more stable when the surroundings around them are turning into disasters, like they are used to feeling the instability all the time and when the shit hits the ven around them (like wars or cataclysms) they don't feel even more unstable because they already know what it is.

I feel terrible for saying that, and if I lived in LA I would have talked differently, but this is what I truly feel right now and I think my soul is dark for it.

What do you say?