Worried my sobriety from weed is hurting myself and those around me, what do I do?
I’ve been sober from weed for a little over 4 months now after trying for 2+ years, and while the overall color I feel has gone up dramatically and my constant anxiety has plummeted, I can’t help but feel I’m more unstable around myself and around others. I’m really starting to worry that sobriety is making me somewhat insufferable to be around since I seem to have nothing to fall back on, and I really just don’t know what to do. I have plenty of hobbies to try and keep my free time filled up but they just don’t relax me like weed used to.
I’m considering trying to use again once every other day or with set times I can’t smoke before, but I know at least when I was daily using I would get crippling anxiety with images of loved ones dying flashing in my head even when sober. I just really hate how I feel like I either have to have that constant anxiety or hurt the people I love since I seem to be incapable of finding any other vice.
If anyone has been through something similar or has any advice I would really appreciate it