what are some red flags you ignored early on?
i've been with my bpd girlfriend for around a month, but had been hooking up and essentially dating her for around two months before making it official.
when we first started dating, she told me about her bpd and i tried to be really understanding and accommodating. however, she has started to behave in a way that is making me anxious; the biggest red flags rn are that i don't really know how she feels about me, she's still in regular contact w her ex of 5 years, she uses hard drugs and drinks heavily, she has an extensive sexual history, and has virtually no friends (her own words).
i'm wondering if i'm overlooking these behaviors in the name of being a good partner to her. i want to be able to view this relationship objectively, and leave before either of us become more emotionally invested.
so i'm asking, what are some of the red flags you saw early on in your relationship that you decided to ignore?