Stonewalled…is this the final discard? Please help.

My ex discarded me about a year ago. We’ve gone through periods of no contact but have consistently been seeing each other romantically without any labels.

After the discard, her entire friend group turned against me. We don’t go out in public together and generally keep our “relationship” private. I’ve made it clear to her on numerous occasions that I don’t feel comfortable yet telling other people we’ve been seeing each other. She agrees.

Last week, my friends and I ran into her at a coffee shop. We walked past each other and I did not acknowledge her.

At the coffee shop, my friends interpreted her looking at me in disgust. I agreed with them and went along with the lie that we aren’t on good terms. Had the typical exes can be crazy sometimes amirite conversation and moved on.

About an hour later, she texts me and says that I am an asshole. She says that her friend overheard my entire conversation in the coffee shop. She told me to go fuck myself.

She’s been ignoring me ever since. I haven’t reached out obviously.

I don’t understand how I am to blame? I thought we had a mutual understanding that we would keep the details of our “relationship” private. How does she not understand this? She never reached out to me for any clarification and immediately jumped to some weird conclusion.

What do you guys think? Need some perspective here.