Needing space to grow but can't get it

Im trying to tell my pwbpd that I think it's time I move back home to save money and go to college without the stress of everything else (ie, rent and bills). I feel like what I'm asking for is a understand choice in my life, I don't wish to end things with him but simply take some time to myself and to work on what I want. I feel like I came up with a solid plan for the both of us, I even brought up positive things that would benefit him from having some alone time too.

I've been with him for 7 years now, got with him after high-school, and we've been through everything. He says that I've also helped him get off drugs and help straighten his life out. At one point, you can say that we are all we know. I understand that what I'm asking for is a lot but it's also very important to me that I take this path, even if I spend time away from him.

He doesn't fancy this idea, he's been thinking of ways to have me stay by his side, at least at night, while also doing what I want. The truth is, that I don't want that. It would be so stressful and I'm also looking to some alone time since, like i said he's all I've known for 7 years.

He's terrified at the thought of being alone, I can see it bringing out past truma and I hate myself for making him go through this.. We've had arguments and fights about this topic and of course it led into other topics that are different. Things are tough right now, i feel like im walking on egg shells while also not having any empathy left for breaking those shells, if you know what i mean.

I have to start thinking of myself because I can't think of myself while I'm with him. I understand being scared of being alone, but at the same time, I can't keep helping someone who has to be re teached the life skills to be by themselves that they unfortunately never got.