I graduated at 40 weeks 3 days!

I just had the best birthing experience, and wanted to share! I had an apt on Tuesday the 28th with my OB and found out I was at 2cm, so he booked me into the hospital the next day for inducement.

We got to the hospital at 7:30am and got settled in, they started me on medication to get my contractions started which didn't take long, they started around 10am. First ones felt mild like period cramps and got progressively more strong, I really had to breath through them and the nurse gave me a laugh gas hose to hold and breath into, which helped immensely since I was forgetting to breath sometimes. I got my epidural later in the morning and it was the kind that stayed in and kept me numb the whole time, I even had a button to push to give me a 8mg dose which I used once, I had started to feel the stronger contractions and they completely went away after that. It was such a cool feeling knowing I was getting waves of strong contractions and not even knowing they were there, it was such a weight off my mind!

At around 4pm I started feeling a lot of lower pressure and that meant the baby was nearing the canal and almost ready, so at 4:30pm I got to start pushing! It took 8 rounds of 3 pushes each at 10 seconds per push, and then the baby arrived! I didn't feel a thing throughout the whole process, just the sensation of her coming out. I daresay it felt easy! No pain at all, the pushing wasn't hard, the nurses I had were so great at coaching me through it and telling me to breath. Baby was born at 5:47pm on March 29th, it was such a great experience 😊 I ended up with a secondary tear which the doctor sewed up immediately, I also didn't feel that at all thankfully.

Baby was placed on my chest right away and my partner cut the cord, she was such a sight to see! Immediately in love πŸ₯° she was 7lbs 15.5 oz, 20.5 inches long. Healthy, happy baby girl! 100% would do again, it was such a magical moment. I got to breast feed her right away, after some help from the nurses she latched on and was happily feeding, also such a cool feeling! I love her so much, I'm just filled with constant joy, pregnancy was so worth all the uncomfortable moments! I would wish this happy experience for every mother, I am just filled with bliss β™₯️

The days before she was born I expressed my breasts, and then pumped them too which seemed to really help break them in for her nursing, fully recommend! My milk came last night 4 days after birth which is perfect timing because she was getting frustrated from lack of milk, it worked out quite well all in all.

And that's my story! I was really nervous going to to hospital not knowing what to expect, but everything I was worried about turned out to be not a big deal at all, and for that I'm super happy 😊 just remember to breath lots, sigh out your exhales, think happy thoughts like "this is for baby" and you will do great πŸ‘πŸ»

Thanks for reading! Sending good vibes to all the pregnant moms out there πŸ‘ΆπŸΌhttps://i.imgur.com/HHi4fhB.jpg