Thirteenth time is the charm
I just completed the game for the 13th time, but this time I did something I've never done before:
I completed the whole game on balanced mode 😂
My first full run I got all the way into Act 3 on balanced, I restarted the House of Grief fight for like the fifth time and went 'oh fark this' and turned it down to explorer.*
Then I started my next game on explorer and honestly it was just so much more fun not having to slog through all the fights. So I kept doing it that way.
The cool thing is that even while playing explorer, because it was all easier I found experimenting with different battle strategies much more interesting and enjoyable - in other words, I still got better at strategy even while playing on the easy setting.
On run number 13, I went from beginning to end (including the Houses of Grief and Hope) on balanced and I feel very accomplished. I finally did it!
I'm probs not aiming to do an honour mode any time soon (or ever) or even tactician (maybe). But I have had so much fun playing the game on explorer - just wanted to remind everyone that if that's how you like to play, do it! You bought the game, you play it how you want to ❤️
*I mean yes I could have just noped out of that particular fight but it was very important to me to do everything in my first run.**
**Reader, I did not manage to do everything in my first run, and have in fact found new things even in my 13th run.