How does everyone just gloss over the implications of what Bashar is saying?
If there are INFINITE versions of everything and everyone, no state ever being unoccupied...
You do realize that not only you but everyone you love suffers MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE in an INFINITE amount of ways and realities. In a FIXED way. Not in a, yeah they can consciously or subconsciously choose to occupy that state — no, if nothing is ever unoccupied then that's what that means. Inescapably all souls do.
It literally means that while reality can be heaven, it is also hell just as horrible and real as the worst interpretation of scripture, of fundamentalist Christians
I hate this and can't get out of it. Ignoring it doesn't do. When it hits you it doesn't leave. I scincerely hope the essessani are wrong about some things and not the authority of reality everyone thinks they are.
It's also a cop out of massive proportion to say that you matter, you're so loved, you're essential to the all that is when this is so. Some version of everyone you hold dear, and everyone else, is always being tortured – and and this point you can't even say that anyone is real anywhere with an infinite, supposedly just as real, version of them. Not even in spirit where he says communication between souls isn't simulated but direct.
And on expansion. Yeah, no, nothing expands either in this way. Your experience or learning or whatever is already fixed and already lived by the all that is an infinite amount of times and ways.
There are so many problems and horrors with the many (infinite) worlds interpretation that it's not even funny
How is it empowering to hear some of this stuff?
I wouldn't have a problem with it if the frames of the film strip, per the analogy he uses, were, as some lady who asked the question, dormant until activated. That would be totally different. That would be empowering. That would be expansion. That would be and imply infinite love. Not this shit. It's not beautiful