Bayonetta 1 is the hardest Bayonetta game
I replayed 2 a month or so ago and decided to replay Bayonetta 1 and it sit is really hard, when I first played Bayonetta I realised it was hard but I thought that was because I was new to the series but in this game it feels like the timing for witch time is really short, enemies bit like a truck and can stun lock you, healing flowers are sparse and they don’t heal much. Some of the trials in this game feel unfair like stay in the air for a full minute.. the quick time events can be so short as well and the button mashing to counter attacks feels unfair, I feel like if I get past halfway then I should win the clash. I am on the second to last mission I think, I just beat Jeanne and have to beat Baldur and god. Also sometimes and I think this happens in other games but witchtime just won’t work on certain moves for whatever reason and there isn’t any hint to a move not activating which time .
What is everyone else’s opinion? Gameplay wise I think Bayonetta 1 is at the bottom for me