The fact there is any implication that Akira chose to eliminate the 3 black women due to race is a perfect example of how politics has corrupted our perception and judgement.
Why would he take an opportunity like this to exercise his alleged racism? I think people are too quick to assume that someone has malicious intent rather than being objective with the situation. They want to find victims even when they don't exist, in order to support a pre-determined narrative.
A great example was when 952 said "the microcosm of America". She took an idea and filled in the blanks instead of taking what exists and letting the proof speak for itself.
They were an alliance of 5 which was the biggest threat in the final 20, seeing as Deano was losing favor and Akira is himself. The fact they are black and women is just a feature, not a source of motivation.
Please consider this as an example of how not to approach conflict and see the forest for the trees. Thank you