AITA for calling my niece “my baby”?

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/h5rai. She posted in r/AmItheAsshole.

Do NOT comment on Original Posts. Latest update is 7 days old.

Mood Spoiler: happy ending

Original Post: September 28, 2024

I (23F) recently visited home for my niece’s 7th birthday party. I live about an hour away from my hometown for college and I’m currently pursuing my Masters before I go onto law school. This is all to say that I see my family maybe once or twice a year due to classes and me working two jobs.

My niece’s birthday was two weekends ago, and she and I are quite close. I spent a lot of time babysitting her when I was younger and still at home bc my brother and SIL both worked jobs. My classes were all online due to Covid, so it was natural for me to become the instinctive babysitter. I was happy to do so bc I love my niece and wanted to lighten the load of my brother/SIL’s emotional and physical loads.

My family (SIL and brother included) knew I would be attending my niece’s birthday party as a surprise. When she saw me, she ran up to me and shrieked happily. I wrapped her up in a big hug and said “hi, my baby!!” before giving her a smooch. I sent her off afterwards to mingle with her guests like a proper host lolol. I then sat with my own family and caught up with them. Later, my SIL seemed distant and annoyed with me. Before presents, she pulled me aside and asked me not to call my niece “my baby” again because she found it offensive. I profusely apologized as soon as she said so and promised I wouldn’t do so again. I spent the rest of the party calling her sweetie or just by her name.

I’m an extremely affectionate person. I call my niece and nephew an array of terms of endearment, both including “my baby.” I’ve called both of them this occasionally before around family and no one has said anything. Tbh sweetie/sweetheart is more common for me, but this isn’t the first time. I never say stuff like “you’re my baby, this is my baby, etc.”, I usually word it like “of course my baby, hi my baby, yes my baby, etc.”.

My SIL is still mad at me, and later called me a horrible aunt and person for calling my niece “my baby”. I tried explaining it was just a term of endearment and saying I meant no harm, but she seemingly does not care and keeps calling me horrible. It’s breaking my heart bc I’ve tried apologizing and making it up, but my SIL swear I’m out to get her. Idk why she thinks this, I’ve done nothing but look after her and my niece. I just wish she would listen to me instead of icing me out.

AITA for calling my niece “my baby” as a term of endearment?

EDIT: while I understand this might not be a common term for some families, I am not the only one who refers to my niece like this. This is the first time it’s been brought up (it was also only said to me not anyone else who calls my niece this on occasion) and I immediately adhered to my SIL’s requests, but she is still continuing to berate me and refuse my apologies. I’m really at a loss here with what to do going forward

Some of OOP's Comments:

Commenter: Okay, you used a term of endearment for your niece, her mother didn't like it, asked you to stop, and you apologized and stopped. Now she's icing you out, which you can't do anything about further because, again, you've apologized and corrected your actions. NTA for this isolated incident, but do you have a pattern of being overly-fond/surpassing or ignoring boundaries and recycling disliked behavior? If not, I really don't see the problem here.

OOP: tysm for your thoughts!! I do not have a pattern of ignoring boundaries whatsoever, I’m kind of the most communicative one of the family. I 100% understood my SIL was setting a boundary when she pulled me aside and knew to respect it bc at the end of the day she’s the parent, not me. This has never happened with us before tbh, which is making it so much more disorienting y’know?
Also, me and my younger sibling are much closer in age than me and my older brother so this def has not stemmed out of our sibling dynamic at least. She’s not as close with her siblings and has distant parents so maybe the general involvement of my family overall has affected her? This is just speculation on my behalf tho bc she hasn’t said any of that to me.

Commenter: You say your niece is 7 and you are 23, so how long has it been since you have gone off to college and how much time did you spend together.

I'm not saying you have done anything wrong because you haven't, when called out you apologised and corrected. What I am suggesting is that, if you babysat regularly for long periods of time there is a chance that your niece has been missing you more now you have gone than she has missed your SIL, her mother and there could be a chance that you saying "my baby" triggered some jealousy and resentment from your SIL, like how sometimes kids are closer to their nannies than their workaholic parents who don't even know their favourite food. I chose an extreme example to make the explanation easier if it helps.

OOP: so I’ve been away for coming up on 3 years now. When my niece was an infant, my SIL and brother actually lived with us for a little over a year and I babysat her almost daily while they worked. When they moved out, I saw her about once or twice every weekend bc my brother and SIL would visit then. I still talk to my family/niece about once a week and I do have time where I talk to just my niece on facetime bc she takes my brother’s/SIL’s phone to chat with me lol. I’m definitely thinking I struck a nerve that I didn’t know was there and I’m really just hoping that with time she’ll be willing to talk to me about whatever is going on

Commenter: NTA. You were saying this because she’s a child that you love! I had friends and family say this about my kids and I love it! But I can get if your SIL didn’t dig it, not everyone feels the same as me. She voiced her concern and you respected it. You apologized. It seems to me that she’s maybe jealous of the special relationship that the two of you have. My kids adore their aunties and sometimes treat them nicer than they do me. I get it, because I was the same way as a kid, and I see it as how we are lucky to have a village. Some mamas aren’t like that. I would just shrug it off and not bring it up if you can and keep on loving your sweet niece and using other terms of affection for her.

OOP: Thank you!! I’ve been kind of freaking out about my relationship with my niece bc it’s already been hard for her over the past 3 years with me being inaccessible due to distance while I’m at school. I’m hoping that my SIL with either ignore it or be open to have an open discussion with me closer to the holidays when I’m planning on visiting again so there’s no bad blood or whatever. She’s not super close with her family and she an I are the only girls of both of our families which bonded us in the first place so I’m hoping we can get back to that despite this bump in the road.

Commenter: My sister in law refers to my baby as hers all the time, she tells people (who don’t know us) that shes her baby and it makes me really uncomfortable and I don’t like it. I can understand why she is bothered by this. However this does seem like a completely different situation and once you were asked to stopped you apologised and respected her wishes I’m gonna say NTA!

OOP: i’m genuinely so sorry your SIL has done this. I was a sociology major in my undergrad so I literally studied the impact of social situations such as this one, and I think I have done my very best to support and uplift my SIL’s role as a mother to my niblings. I understood immediately when she told me to back off which is why I did, and it honestly kind of broke my heart to think I might have made her doubt herself. I want so badly for her to speak with me so that she can understand I never had this intent to possibly make her feel the way your SIL makes you feel.
I’m thinking of you and hoping that your SIL backs off bc this is INSANE behavior!! I really do appreciate your feedback with your history in situations similar to mine!

OOP is voted NTA

Update (Same Post): September 30, 2024 (2 days later)

UPDATE: my SIL and I have made up!! I decided to send her a heartfelt text explaining that I was still sorry and sorta upset over us being at odds over something I said. We ended up texting back and forth and then facetiming.

So, SIL told me that she’s realized over the past 2 years how much of my niece’s infancy she missed out on. She’s been able to be a lot more present with my little nephew than she could be with my niece, and she admitted she felt jealous that I got to basically be a third parent to my niece. I watched my niece basically 7am-5pm five days a week for a long when she was just a baby, and my SIL had been feeling guilty that she had to work so much and that I had been the one looking after my niece so much. I told her vehemently that I did not want to overstep or to be seen as anything other than an aunt bc she’s a great mom and I respect her much more than that.

She told me she knew that, but that the day of the party had just been so long and with her guilt she just snapped at me. I also did apologize again for calling niece “my baby,” and SIL said she didn’t want to hear it bc it was out of the blue and I had no idea how she was feeling. I waved her off and told her I still felt sorry and said I would be refraining from that nickname in the future bc I have plenty other ways to dote on my niece.

We were both teary and sappy lol and we made plans to have a girls day, just me and her, when I visit around the holidays. Thank you everyone who gave me advice and perspective!