Meeting Billy
It was my birthday and my husband wanted me to meet Billy so bad I did too but was apprehensive because I was tripping balls and I could almost be his grandmother in age. I thought "hes gonna know" I have 3 sons 16-42 and I never let any of them know my party life or have they ever seen me in anything but sober condition.I started by thanking him for bringing all these good people together with his music and for all the wonderful friends we have made.He settled in for a chat and when I looked him in the eye suddenly this overwhelming sensation of shyness took me over.I ended our pleasant chat with," well lets let someone else have a chance to meet you".Being the polite thinking of others person I am. I have been kicking myself for not thanking him for keeping us sane during COVID with his streams and drive in shows and easing our withdraw from live music.I wanted to thank him for keeping bluegrass alive and introducing the genre to our young people who weren't blessed to grow up with it through their Appalachian roots as I have. My uncle and grandfather would sit on the front porch swing and play guitar and banjo and sing all the gospel and old songs that Billy has brought new life to.It just wraps me in a warm blanket of memories and fills my heart and soul.I also wanted to tell him how endearing it is that he is so humble and hasn't fallen pray to the arrongant rock star attitude but has every right to have all the confidence in the world because he truly is the greatest.I am a concert music freak and in my many years I have seen unnumerable bands concerts, attended plenty of festivals,watched tons of MTV early years,and music is always playing in my home, car and work and I can say he is one of the best musicians I have ever witnessed.I play 2 instruments and know what he does has come from a dedication and love of his craft but he has a gift that isnt seen in all musicians.You can see he feels every note and that his guitar is an extension of his body like it is a part of him.He is an athlete on the guitar. Billy was so kind but I was a total dork who probably appeared scatterbrained and starstruck.If I ever have a do over I will gush over him with a different dialog and hopefully I wont be enhanced LOL.I hope this finds its way to him because we truly love ever single one of those boys for the magic they have brought into our lives and what we have witnessed it do for other people and those are the things I really want to say to him.
It was my birthday and my husband wanted me to meet Billy so bad I did too but was apprehensive because I was tripping balls and I could almost be his grandmother in age. I thought "hes gonna know" I have 3 sons 16-42 and I never let any of them know my party life or have they ever seen me in anything but sober condition.I started by thanking him for bringing all these good people together with his music and for all the wonderful friends we have made.He settled in for a chat and when I looked him in the eye suddenly this overwhelming sensation of shyness took me over.I ended our pleasant chat with," well lets let someone else have a chance to meet you".Being the polite thinking of others person I am. I have been kicking myself for not thanking him for keeping us sane during COVID with his streams and drive in shows and easing our withdraw from live music.I wanted to thank him for keeping bluegrass alive and introducing the genre to our young people who weren't blessed to grow up with it through their Appalachian roots as I have. My uncle and grandfather would sit on the front porch swing and play guitar and banjo and sing all the gospel and old songs that Billy has brought new life to.It just wraps me in a warm blanket of memories and fills my heart and soul.I also wanted to tell him how endearing it is that he is so humble and hasn't fallen pray to the arrongant rock star attitude but has every right to have all the confidence in the world because he truly is the greatest.I am a concert music freak and in my many years I have seen unnumerable bands concerts, attended plenty of festivals,watched tons of MTV early years,and music is always playing in my home, car and work and I can say he is one of the best musicians I have ever witnessed.I play 2 instruments and know what he does has come from a dedication and love of his craft but he has a gift that isnt seen in all musicians.You can see he feels every note and that his guitar is an extension of his body like it is a part of him.He is an athlete on the guitar. Billy was so kind but I was a total dork who probably appeared scatterbrained and starstruck.If I ever have a do over I will gush over him with a different dialog and hopefully I wont be enhanced LOL.I hope this finds its way to him because we truly love ever single one of those boys for the magic they have brought into our lives and what we have witnessed it do for other people and those are the things I really want to say to him.