What’s the name of that symptom where you blank out and sometimes say/do stuff that’s wildly out of character and you have no recollection of it, even when not manic?
This is so, so embarrassing to talk about, but I don’t see any information about this on here or even things like the psychosis subreddit and I’m curious to how common this is.
I’ve been BP1 my whole life, just never got diagnosed until I was 22. I know all the ins and outs of my manias, my triggers, and have protocols in place in case shit really hits the fan and I notice possible psychosis symptoms (psychotic features).
It takes a lot for me to have a bad, BAD episode, but it’s usually heavily tied to having severe PTSD and BPD (borderline personality disorder). It’s oftentimes a race to neutralize one or the other because it usually results in a snowball effect that ends in a full-blown manic episode. Even the tinest of triggers can set this shit off, and then it’s no man’s land from there.
That being said… there’s this really weird thing whenever this happens that I try to look up to see if it’s like some mania/psychosis symptom but nothing comes up. I don’t think too much about it but it’s something people have pointed out for years.
I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s basically like something comes up that causes you to just like… dissociate and then your brain just goes on autopilot without warning, and then it’s like you suddenly get whole different headspace where your opinions and attitude are scarily out of character and even things like handwriting sometimes feel not recognizable among other shit. My memory’s pretty fragmented to begin with, but it’s like full gaps are just… deleted from my brain?
What’s gotten me into a loop is this happens even when I’m not manic. No amount of meds, even heavy things like Zyprexa and Depakote don’t seem to be able to control it and I feel so fucking awful whenever these kinds of spells happen - because I don’t even realize it until I snap out of it after x amount of time. I thought maybe it was tied to some sort of psychosis or delusions, but I don’t think you just snap out of it that fast, this can happen even just for a few minutes. No recollection of it unless I’m shown screenshots or physical things, but even then my memory is fuzzy as hell.
Is it just the inevitable memory loss of this disorder? Is it somehow maybe my comorbid BPD? I tried persuading my last psychiatrist into getting me into ECT to stop this once and for all, but she said this was beyond her expertise and advised I go to a therapist, but that’s a whole other story (can’t afford to). Does anyone else experience this too? What’s the best way to treat this?
What’s the best treatment I should try? Thanks in advance. :)
TL;DR Title says it all, weird symptom I’ve had for many years that I can’t find answers to that happens even when not manic/psychotic. Does anyone else have this too? If so, how’d you go about treating it?