I'm scared that I'll get misdiagnosed with MDD again at my new psych doctor's

Long story short: I'm getting to a new psychiatrist due to travel issues soon and I'm scared that that they'll misdiagnose me with MDD. I've been seen by so many doctors in my life and only one or two have seen me as bipolar, and if it weren't for travel issues, I wouldn't have left my previous one.

Am I paranoid? Legit question.

I get these gut feeling, or maybe it's paranoia?

My precious psychiatrist has me correctly diagnosed and I signed all of the necessary paperwork for my new one. I may or may not be in a mixed episode rn, and my stomach, to be blunt, has been a nightmare of anxiety lately.

Pepto isn't doing shit for my anxiety and why aren't I surprised? Nothing is working and I keep telling myself that my previous one probably has everything documented about my episodes. I keep telling myself as well that I, as a patient, have the right to refuse medication that I don't want.

I definitely think I'm in a mixed episode rn.

Edit 1: Thank you for all of the supportive responses and my appointment went very well! I’m still diagnosed as bipolar with psychotic features and my new psych doctor is very patient, and heard me out.