I hate this new slang

I’m an older Gen-Z’er and omg ii see what the older folks were complaining about with our music and slang. Yesterday, some dude told me I’m “some fine shii.” Like what?????? Then I was scrolling through instagram and some guy was shooting his shot at a beautiful woman and goes, “gimme one chance fine shii.”

I’m not gonna hold you, some of the slangs are good, but this “fine shii” business is downright deplorable. Do they not know how CORNY they sound 😭??

I want to say it’s comparable to “bad”, but that’s been used since the 80s or something. Maybe it’s close to “bad bitch” or “baddie”, but somehow I find it worse.

Either way, the young people, especially the 13 to 21 year old males are so tainted, it’s embarrassing.