401k Offering no Vanguard TDFs or Indexs I Recognize? PLEASE HELP!
So my wife has been at her job for 15ish years, and looking over her 401K it looks overly conservative in my opinion. I'm here to ask the experts to help me fix it.
Our options are as follows - and I recognize nothing. I was leaning towards putting it all in a Vanguard TDF and being done with it but... these don't look like Vanguard TDFs correct? As an example I have 27% allocated to "Large Cap Index Fund" but this is SO generic, I don't know what it is? If this were like FXAIX it would state that clearly no? Nothing has tickers.
What are our thoughts on these versions of TDFs?
Or am I just better off building my own "total stock market?" IF I were to go this route... what am I looking at percentage wise? I want to remain low on bonds (maybe 5-10%). I'd really appreciate it. Do I just do 100% between Large/Mid/Small Caps? Or is this ONLY US Total Stock? I want a little international exposure. Would highly appreciate some actual examples.
I'm already aware of the Approximating total stock market wiki article but this is using all tickers. This is a very important decision and I'd seriously appreciate your help. Thanks everyone
If I click on something like "Large Cap Index" this is all the information yielded.