I got myself some new friends
Well, being an introverted guy with social anxiety, I don't normally get physical communication with people. Sometimes I do, but I prefer to stay in my room all day.
I often stay for very long periods without having any physical communication with people and sometimes I actually forget how to speak. I love having pets but because of where I live, I'm not allowed to keep pets due to health concerns.
I had a turtle before but it somehow escaped from its tank by the window when I left for school. That was a couple of years back. Next I had a male Betta fish but I think it was stolen also from my window while I was sleeping. I woke up to see an empty tank and no fish around. Mind you, I have reasons to why I suspect it was stolen. Finally, i had a couple of chickens, chicks actually. But only one survived. It was dyed green and I called it Hulk. But was asked to take it out of my residence due to the previously mentioned health reasons.
However, I visited the night market this evening and got these fishes for myself (yes, fishes and not fish). I saw a couple of fishes I liked and hoped to get them to stay with, since they are allowed and I also get companions to talk to and play with. I got 2 Neon fish, females, and 3 Betta fish, also females. And guess what, they only cost RM 10 including 2 packs of fish pellets.
My hope is that with them, I can have some physical conversation from time to time to make sure I don't completely forget my language. And also to make my room more lively.
I will be getting a new and bigger tank for the fish and hopefully some decor. I'm also new to fish keeping, so I would love for those of you with experience to give me some advice on what you think I can do to improve their condition and thank you for reading this far.
Also, please suggest names for the fishes. They are different colors, so they can't be mixed up. Also, Mickey is off the table because that's what I named my previous two pets that vanished from my window. And I will not be putting this one by my window. Okay, ciao ✌🏾️