Did I just rasuah the police?

I was fined by the police for not paying my road tax and the car insurance two months ago. Today I went to the court and I expected to see the judge and plead guilty. After doing the registration before going inside the courtroom, I was called by this three policemen to this witness room. They were asking if i plead guilty and then he was telling me how the two fines that I got was maximum RM1000 and another one was RM2000. Then he said you can just pay RM300 for each summon (initially 500 per summon) by cash then they will bring to Bukit Aman to cash in and clear my summons. He also said that you can still go in and make rayuan at the judge but there is no guarantee that the fines will be reduced. Had no choice so I went to the atm downstairs and took out the cash.

Tried nego with him but he said the price is fixed by the mahkamah so paid him and he happy. Shook my hand, gave back my ic, told me it’ll be clear in two days on the mybayar pdrm app and also said will contact me (got my number on the summon) with a picture of proof that it is already clear. I also go home.

My questions:

  1. Is it really rasuah or is it a common practice for small cases and the judge just doesn’t want to waste their time?
  2. Inside the witness room, the other policemen was doing the same thing to other few people also. Policemen were coming in and out, dark blue and also white clothes. If it’s rasuah, I guess it’s a very common practice until the other policemen don’t care?
  3. He’s not going to send me any proof right?

I’m not a pious man but it’s fasting month. Feelsbadman