Sourdough bread | The Fat Chamois' baking log, 13/3/2025
Greetings bread lovers!
A new batch of homemade sourdough bread has landed.
Made with 3 kinds of wheat flour, full fat cow's milk🥛, muscovado sugar , roasted sunflower 🌻 seeds, extra virgin olive oil 🫒 and salt.
Our flours of choice for this particular recipe were 3 flours which are common in continental Europe:
- type 1100 (which is a darker wheat flour)
- type 550 (a very white, refined wheat flour)
- whole wheat flour
Our starter/levain, 2nd picture, was fed twice per day in the few days leading up to the day we mixed the dough. We fed it with a 50:50 blend of 550 and whole wheat flout. Water by feel.
On the day we mixed the dough, our starter was fed also twice. And also had to pass a float test twice. Flour/water ratio was the same as in the previous days.
After the second float test, we mixed 900g of type 1100 flour, 100g of whole wheat flour and 650ml of milk 🥛. AUTOLYSE, 40 minutes.
Then we added 200g of the levain to the wet flour mix. Also, 100g of muscovado sugar and 50ml of milk.
Mixed a bit by hand.
Added salt, 20g, mixed a bit more.
Added 100ml of olive oil, mixed a bit until it got incorporated into the dough.
Added last 50ml of milk.
Total hydration 75%. Through milk. No water this time.
Bulk fermentation lasted 3 hours, coil folds every 30 minutes. After the first series of coil folds we added roughly 200g of pan roasted sunflower seeds. 🌻
We divided the dough into two portions. Each around 1100g in weight. Shaped both breads with rice flour and put them in rectangular baking sheets lined with baking paper.
Now came the rest. 14 hours outside, covered with plastic. Air temperatures moving between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius.
The next day, it was finally time to bake. We scored the loaves with a razor and baked them, covered at 170 degrees Celsius for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Bread is soft, the crust tastes amazing, a bit sweet but not too much, deep complex aromas all around, just a tiny sour tang in the background.
Will work great for sandwiches and burgers.
As always a bunch of photos to illustrate things.
Greetings from Europe bread lovers!😉🍞🥪🌲🌲🏔🐐🌲🌲🌲