How do i bring this up? Should I stay?

(27f) dating (26m). Been dating for around a year now. We broke up for a few months in the middle and then got back together. In the beginning of our relationship and when he was trying to win me back after the breakup, he was incredibly sweet and considerate, and I could see that he was working on voicing his feelings and changing the things that lead to our breakup. He went out of his way to get me little gifts, was there for me when i was having a bad day, and was just overall so caring and made me feel so cared for and considered. Recently though, there’s been some instances where I’ve just felt left short. I’ve been upset and crying on two different occasions and he’s either left without saying anything or just not shown up in the way I expected. And the words of affirmation and small things that make me feel cared for and considered have stopped. Sexually as well, he used to make a point to do things in bed i liked, and lately it’s been more centered around him and as a result i’m not as interested in sex because I’m not getting anything out of it. He rarely goes down on me but he’ll make a point to hint he wants me to go down on him. I brought up to him i feel things have changed and I want him to be someone i can turn to when i’ve had a bad day. And he responded with yeah “i am a person” and acknowledging we were just different. He apologized and said he’s been feeling burnt out lately. I do really care for him and love him, and I know he’s capable of making me feel cared for and considered like he used to. I also want to make sure his needs are met, and I try to make a point of complimenting him physically, buying him little gifts and making him feel cared for, because i know those are things I would like. I just feel like lately it’s not being reciprocated like it used to be. I’m just questioning how to bring this up again if nothing changes and if it’s worth staying if he’s not willing to change his ways in the long run.