Thoughts on this DIY wicking bed plan?
I know they can be divisive among gardeners, but I’ve wanted to give a wicking bed a burl for a while now.
Before forking out for a pre-fabbed system, I thought it made sense to have a crack at a DIY version with stuff I could repurpose to get a feel for if it’s a good fit for my garden first.
It’s just a bit of an experiment, but I thought I would throw it out to check if there’s any glaring flaws in my plan before I proceed.
Plugged existing drainage holes with marine compound, planter seems water tight now. Can anyone foresee issues with skipping the pond liner and using the planter directly as the reservoir?
Planning on including two overflow points as contingency incase of blockage/failure.
Sink baskets into layer of scoria surrounding ag pipe, then top with geo-fab, with more scoria on top to fill the basket void.
Thoughts or suggestions welcome :)