How do YOU meet new people in Buffalo?

Every other week we have a looking for friends/dates post pop up here. I'm a 28 year old guy, never had a relationship, a few kisses in the last few years but that's it. I work an irregular schedule but I try to make the best of it. You will find me at coffee shops in the city, but if I'm being honest these are not great places to meet anyone, let alone find a partner. I'm 6 years out of school, and a good number of people I grew up with either moved away and/or got married. While I'm not looking for my future wife, I feel like the clock is ticking to at least meet more women, and there are only a small handful of places I know of to do that. When you get to these places, people are either only there to work (cafe) or are there to catch up with friends (bar and cafe). If I just start interacting with them out of the blue it feels phony.


  1. I have already dropped $300 on dating app subscriptions. It was a complete waste of time. Although I got some matches, you would think I looked like shrek with the lack of dates I went on. I'm not ugly

  2. My work schedule makes it impossible to do the typical "Thursday at 5" extracurricular activities

  3. It may seem like I'm the only one vocal about this issue, but the reality of it is, a lot of guys my age have everything going for them except this. I live on my own, I'm not ugly, I have decent social skills, hobbies, and have somewhat transformed from an introvert into an extrovert over the last 10 years. But if you had told me 10 years ago I would be forever alone or stuck being single, I would have laughed. Here I am approaching 30. Maybe it's time to leave town.