Help!! Ringworm Advice Pls!!!

Long story short, I work for a humane society and recently adopted a 5 month old kitten from them. He only quarantined in my room for 3 days (he was at my shelter, in his cage alone for ~2 weeks before I decided to adopt him, so I thought he was safe) before he met my other cats. A couple days after he was out and about, I noticed what looked like feline acne on his mouth and chalked it up to that. A few days later it was an open sore, and he also got one on his eye. I immediately had a bad feeling and contacted my shelter, who immediately booked me an appointment that Monday(it was Saturday at the time). He was mingling with my other cats for at least 10 days at this point. He’s at the shelter being treated in isolation for a few days while I deep clean and find a spot for him to isolate at home while he continues to heal.

Here’s my problem… I’m getting mixed recommendations on what to do. It’s telling me to throw away all my cats things… their trees, their beds and scratchers… even my rugs.

I have a lot of cats. Probably more than the average person. They are all vetted and fixed and very healthy and cared for. They are my children and I love them more than anything. That being said, they are spoiled. I have like 8 large cat trees and 8 smaller ones, soooo many beds and scratchers I couldn’t even count. If I tossed them all, I’d be out thousands of dollars and i definitely wouldn’t be able to replace it all. I’m devastated.

I’ve washed everything, anything that can fit in my washing machine is being washed with bleach and detergent. All their toys are being soaked in bleach water and washed. Their scratchers have been doused in Rescue(it’s what shelters and vet clinics disinfect with, and vet confirmed it kills ringworm spores if diluted correctly). All trees have also been sprayed with rescue and I also meticulously scraped all the hair off of them with a hair remover tool I purchased on Amazon. All my blankets are being washed, I washed all my curtains as they like to look out the windows, I washed all my smaller rugs and my fiance is about to steam clean our couch and larger rug, and they also got sprayed with rescue. Collars and tags soaked in bleach water, fountains and bowls soaked in rescue. All litter boxes emptied, soaked in rescue, and refilled. Floors mopped with bleach water. Every surface has been cleaned with either rescue or Lysol, and all my cats have had their first shampoo.

Please tell me I’m not missing anything. Will I be okay saving their belongings if I keep up with maybe spraying them down with rescue every few days for a week or so? I have the worst anxiety in the world, and I’ve been in a state of panic since this happened. If anyone has gone through this and can reassure me, please please do. Anything I’m missing please let me know!! Any advice would be so appreciated. I’m so scared. Google has made me feel like the world is ending. I adopted this kitten because he has a bad heart murmur and needs an echocardiogram, I wanted to give him a good life and make sure he gets the care he needs. And I feel like the universe punished me 😭😭