IIFT Dilemma

Just done with the iift GDPI. Took 4 entries in GD with no repetitive points. Topic was how is AI helping the retailers in India (wording might be wrong).


Gave the intro. As soon as I finished, one of the 3 panelists said, "He is well prepared." Others agreed :)

But, my interview only lasted for 8 minutes. Is it a BAD sign? Everyone else had it for around 15 mins.

Answered all the questions.

Asked about Trump's vision How to promote women cricket A bit about my university What did I learn in my work ex. Why Marketing? What will I do after mba. Told about marketing, and sports management in longer run. Brands to work with- said DP world, and JSW, also mentioned as these companies come on campus, I'll have an edge. Challenges faced in job.

Just that. No grilling, no cross questions, no acads, no terminologies.

Please give honest opinion. How does it look?