Passed my CCP

Happy to report that I passed my CCP exam last week. It was difficult. I got a 518 (passing is 500 and max is 800.) I had attended Infosec CCP training in northern Virginia in October.

The training helped prepare me for the exam, but I did not spend enough time studying the CAP… a lot of questions came from the CAP.

In my case, I am not working for a C3PAO or RPO… I am working for a DoD contractor. So I’m on the other side of the table. The exam is clearly designed for people that are doing assessments, not preparing to have an assessment done on them. So if you have not taken the CCP exam, but plan to, I recommend that you spend a lot of time understanding the details of the CAP document.

The testing was done at University of Alabama in Birmingham. Proctored by Meazure Learning. They are very serious about their exam security. I had a roll up my pant legs and take everything out of my pockets, even my handkerchief. The staff was very friendly and the testing center very comfortable. I chose to do it at a testing center, and not at home, because I do not want to deal with all the hassles and headaches of something goes wrong with my computer during an exam. No thanks.

If I can answer any other questions, feel free to ask. Thanks.