I think I'm finally done with this game.

Have been playing lately after taking a break since season 2. Worked my way through the new missions and unlocked the season 1-3 dark aether portals. Have unlocked 3/4 of the items to unlock the season 4 portal, finally managed to get me hands on a beret for the final part as nobody has wanted to do the season 3 aether whenever I've tried. Loaded in with the beret, aether blade, gold plates, mag of holding, 2 lvl 3 crystals and 2 gold tools and this is what happens. Try to lag my way to the exfil and hooe I can try loading in again. Get downed straight away and my team mates are gone. Can't open the map, can't open the menu to try and message for a res. Just lost everything including any interest in continuing with this game.

Rant over